Accessibility is often glazed over in education. I'm creating a guide of everything I've learned as a self-taught accessibility expert to help bootcampers and self-guided learners.

I've been a web developer for over 6 years now. I never attended a bootcamp or had any formal computer science education. So when I learned about accessibility, I desperately wanted to help disabled users and felt like I was in over my head. I struggled with the jargon. I struggled with what the standards meant. It's not until I figured out the desired result that things started to click.

As our industry expands to include more self-guided learners and bootcamp graduates, unfortunately, we have to start seeking out accessibility education on our own. Most introductions to HTML classes don't even mention accessibility. I'd like to help bridge that gap.

This book is packed with 142 pages of knowledge to help you get started with accessibility!

I split this book into 4 parts: The Basics, ARIA, JavaScript, and Testing. After you go through this book, you'll understand:

  • The crucial takeaways of Accessibility standards, making them less intimidating
  • The negative impact of inaccessible sites and web apps
  • The most common accessibility errors and how to fix them
  • What ARIA is and when to use it.
  • Common interactive patterns in JavaScript
  • How to comprehensively test

And much more 🤓.